Massage Therapy

Swedish massage: A Swedish Massage is a nice relaxing full body massage that will help relieve the tension and soreness in your muscles. It also helps improve your circulation.It will help you unwind and feel  completely pampered! This is recommended as a first time massage! $68.00

Deep Tissue :  A deep therapeutic massage that focuses  more on specific problem areas and releasing the knots that form in the muscles. To help keep you running and functioning at your very best! $74.00

Trigger Point: A therapeutic massage that allows us to break up the knots in the muscle tissue using direct pressure on the spot for up to 45 second intervals.  These points can refer pain to different areas of the body hence the name trigger point. This type of massage can be painful but very beneficial to relieve the build up of lactic acid that forms in the muscles! $76.00

Pre-natal massage: This massage is a nice relaxing massage for any mommas to be! Moms will have many physical and emotional challenges alleviated such as muscle fatigue, swelling, headaches. Come in and be pampered! $76.00

NOTE: A primary health care provider's letter of approval is required and MUST be onsite before receiving pre-natal massage. This can be emailed to us at

Reflexology: Is a  half hour pressure point massage on the feet to release energy flow and stimulate the healthy functioning of various corresponding organs in the body. This is super beneficial for anyone on their feet for long periods of time! $46.00